Territorial branches


The system of air traffic management in the air space of the Republic of Uzbekistan includes 11 territorial branches, which provide ATM in the aerodrome zones, 2 ACCs of automated control of air traffic in Tashkent and Samarkand and air traffic flow management unit.

As a modern essential automated system of air traffic control automated ATC system Managair (INDRA, Spain) was chosen. It corresponds to the modern functional and technical requirements. At present, these systems are installed in the Centers of ATC AS of Tashkent, Samarkand, Urgench and Bukhara. Regional aerodrome ATC points of Nukus, Navoi, Termez, Namangan and Fergana are equipped with the automated working places “Master” (“Peleng” company, Russian Federation).

The area of responsibility of Tashkent AS ATC is 324 265 sq.kms. The area is divided into four sectors, which include 6 aerodromes (Tashkent, Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, Urgench and Nukus). The automated center of ATC in Tashkent gets radar data from 10 integrated into the system radiolocation stations, controls 41 airways of total 21 000 kms and 43 air corridors with the bordering states.

Samarkand ATC automated center has the area of responsibility of 155 577 sq.kms. It includes auxiliary ACC in Termez, 5 aerodromes (Samarkand, Bukhara, Navoi, Karshi and Termez) and gets radar data from 11 integrated into the system radiolocation stations. Samarkand ACC controls 19 airways of total 12 810 kms, it has 18 air corridors with the bordering states.

In the system of ATM of the Republic of Uzbekistan are used:

  • RVSM;
  • New format of flight- plan FPL-2012;
  • Flights below the lowest safe flight level in the vicinity of the aerodrome by QNH;
  • International coordinate system WGS-84 and units of measurements accepted by ICAO;
  • Routes of regional navigation RNAV-5.    