“Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE responsibly declares of the ongoing Policy in the field of flight safety provision and assistance in formation of positive culture of flight safety.
Flight safety provision is the main and fundamental priority of our production activity and primary task of all personnel of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE.
The main goal of “Uzaeronavigaion” Center SUE is development, implementation and improvement of the strategy, systems and processes of management, ensuring that all our activities meet a high level of flight safety and correspond to national and international standards.
The management and all personnel of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE are responsible for continuous improvement of the level of flight safety in the provision of air navigation service.
Policy in the field of flight safety provision is implemented through commitment of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE to the following tasks which define the goals of the enterprise:
1. Continuous improvement of the level of flight safety in the provision of air navigation service.
2. Promotion of formation and support of positive culture of flight safety provision in “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE, as well as understanding and compliance with policy in the field of flight safety provision.
3. Provision of availability of sufficient qualified and trained resources for implementation of the strategy and policy in the field of flight safety provision.
4. Clear definition of responsibilities and personal responsibility of each employee, starting from the director to an ordinary employee regarding flight safety provision. Attraction of all personnel to the active participation in the activities on risk identification and management which affect flight safety.
5. Risk reduction, related to the provision of flight safety, to the acceptable level as far as practicable.
6. Carrying out systematic work on detection of dangerous factors and taking effective measures for risk reduction, related to provision of flights, to the lowest practicable level and involvement of all personnel in this work.
7. Provision of compliance of all externally supplied systems and services affecting production activity safety with proper safety standards.
8. Strict compliance with all applicable national and international standards, regulatory requirements in production activities.
9. Provision of availability of the sufficient number of qualified, trained personnel and creation of conditions for improvement of their qualification.
10. Provision of “Uzaeronavigation” Center employees with timely and actual information on flight safety, as well as provision of their competency in flight safety issues.
11. Carrying out regular analysis of flight safety condition and improvement of reporting system in order to detect tendencies in the field of flight safety.
12. Carrying out of regular condition checks of flight safety and organization of control of sufficient measures for elimination detected deficiencies and dangerous factors.
13. Provision of effective functioning of SMS as a fundamental part of all production activities of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE in order to achieve the highest levels of flight safety standards.
14. Application of the system of voluntary and mandatory messages about actual and potential deficiencies/risks in flight safety provision.
15. Provision of guarantees there will not be taken any disciplinary action against any employee informing about a problem in flight safety through the system of voluntary messages, except when this message groundlessly points out illegal actions, gross negligence, intentional or malicious violence of rules or procedures.
The management and all personnel of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE take responsibility for implementation and compliance with this Policy at all organizational levels by means of communicating it timely to employees and all interested sides, providing its understanding, allocating necessary resources and improving continuously the functioning of SMS.
Director: D. Djumayev