“Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE responsibly declares the ongoing Policy in the field of quality and promotion of formation and maintenance of organizational and production culture in order to fulfill its main

 mission – provision of safe and high-quality air navigation services for air traffic and promoting the development of civil aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

We recognize the leadership and commitment of Enterprise Management in relation to the QMS at all levels of activity of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE. The QMS for our Enterprise Management is its main management

tool. The main goal of the Management is creation of the necessary conditions to ensure the functioning of quality management, foundation of an internal environment in which employees are fully involved in solving

 the problems of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE. Management considers it their duty to use all available resources for the effective functioning of the QMS in “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE.


The quality policy at “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE is grounded on a Quality Management System based on international and national standards and to achieve our goals we are guided by the following principles:


1.  Quality is a characteristic we value.

2. Professionalism, composed of competence and responsibility, is the achievement of high production indicators.

3. We create management systems that effectively respond to changes in the external and internal environment of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE. Continuous improvement is the guiding principle in our work.

4. Our employees are high-level professionals. The personal responsibility of each employee for his work is a criterion for the quality of his work.

5. We achieve optimal quality through optimal processes.

6. Reliable and timely data from all stages of production activities guarantee reliable control over their implementation.

7. All personnel of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE share the principles of the quality system and are involved in the process of its creatio. They clearly understand the goals of their work, see the result and influence it.

 The opinion of each employee is taken into account in the work of the quality system.

8. Creation of structures, procedures (processes) and conditions to achieve maximum efficiency of production activities of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE.

9. We systematically support and increase the level of competence of the staff of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE.

10. Planning and decision-making are carried out on the basis of risk-oriented thinking.

11. “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE constantly carries out reconstruction and technical re-equipment, acquires new radio equipment and modernizes it.

12. The constant goal of “Uzaeronavigation” Center SUE is the constant improvement of the QMC.


The Enterprise Management of “Uzaeronaigation” Center SUE takes responsibility for the implementation of this Quality Policy, communicating it to the staff and motivating its implementation.

Director: D. Djumayev
