
regarding ecological politic of SUE Center “Uzaeronavigation”


Uzaeronavigation Centre does not engage directly in manufacturing processes of national consumption and does not appear as an industrial enterprise. However, Uzaeronavigation Centre takes a part in development of economic sector of Republic of Uzbekistan.

In order to control ecological risks of its activities and activities of its structural divisions, Uzaeronavigation Centre has created and accepted current Ecological Policy.


1.Scope of the Regulation


1.1 Policy is required to be followed by all of the employees and is recommended for management when planning and implementing its activities in terms of interaction with environmental authorities, development of the internal regulations, dissemination of information and other types of communication.

1.2 The Policy establishes goals, principles, directions and tasks of the Uzaeronavigation Centre activities in the field of sustained development, as well as unified principles of ecological activities.

1.3 The Policy is public document, that is available on official website of Uzaeronavigation Center.

1.4 The data presented in The Policy is current at the moment of its approval. The Policy can be reconsidered regarding ongoing changes, as well as when updating strategic documents, however not less than once in a three-year period.


2. The goal, principles and tasks of the Regulation regarding ecological Policy


2.1 The goal of the Ecological Policy Uzaeronavigation Centre is ecologically safe activity structural divisions, reduction of the impact on environment, as well as the transmission of environmental practices and the promotion of environmental protection to ensure sustainable development, improvement life quality, improvement of employees' health, contribution in security of the ecological security of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2.2 In process of implementation of the goal to protect environment Uzaeronavigation Centre, there is a help of following principles:


- optimization of ATM routes, acceleration and regulation of aircraft flow, planning and control over aircraft flows to reduce releases of carbon dioxide CO2 into the environment;

- careful treatment to environment, increasing effectiveness of material, energy and water usage, conscious treatment to waste products.


- development of the practice of effective risk management, learning, consultation or other support in the field of the environment protection

- perfection information openness and transparency.


2.3 The tasks of The Ecological Policy Uzaeronavigation Centre consist in:


-  introduction of most modern practices in sphere of airflow services, directed to reducing of negative impact on the environment;

- Introduction of activities that decreases possibilities of aircraft delays on earth and in the air.

- following requirements of the environmental legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and ensuring safety of ecology at the facilities of structural divisions;

- exclusion negative impact on environment and risk management in the field of environment protection.

2.4 The tasks of structural divisions in field of environment protection must be consist and no contradict This Regulation.


3. Primary directions in the filed of environment protection


3.1 To ensure the safety of environment, Uzaeronavigation Centre systematically carries out following activities:

In order to support of initiatives, that are advanced by international organizations regarding aiming “green” aircraft and in order to reduce negative impact of civil aircraft on environment, ecology and economy of air fuel, together with surrounding providers of aero navigation services, organization of activities to optimize the routes of international and local flights to reduce flight-time, rework of the routes of landing and departures to reduce time of aircraft in the air. In result of these activities on an annualized basis, it is aimed to reach: economy of up to 400 tons of jet fuel and reduction on more than 1000 tons of carbon dioxide releases into the environment;

Total renouncement of driving radio stations in favor of ranging radio beacons DME and azimuthally ranging radio beacons VOR/DME, reducing by that the amount of negative impact on environment by decrease of electromagnetic effect to 50% and decrease of energy consumption by 2.5 times;

Replacement of all marker radio beacons to set ranging radio beacons DME, that will lower energy consumption by 2 times;

Equipment of airports in Republic of Uzbekistan by secondary synoptical radars and systems, named ADS-B/MLAT, that will allow to reduce electromagnetic emissions into environment and decrease energy consumption to 10%;

Reduction of emissions from stationary sources of polluting substances onto the air by the replacement of 100% of all diesel generators in all territorial divisions of Uzaeronavigation Centre to modern and economical ones with less amount of emissions into the environment and where it is possible to replace to renewable energy sources;

Reduction of fuel usage and reduction of emissions into environment, by the replacement up to 100% of all vehicles to vehicles with hybrid motors with improved energy effectiveness and ecological characteristics that are relevant to euro-4 standard and higher;

Transition of the enterprise to ecologically clear energy by large-scale installation of renewable energy sources in all structural divisions up to 1,5 MW, by the usage of new modern, innovative, including imported energy saving technologies that are ensuring higher energy effectiveness;

Reduction of water consumption by the installation of gathering systems and repeated usage of water for watering in all structural divisions;

Development and introduction of ecological management system that sets systematical basis to manage direct and long-term impact on environment of infrastructure, operations services of the enterprise, contributing to monitoring and management of emissions;

Monitoring of a progress in reaching every of set goals and reporting this information to personnel of structural units by organizing of periodic activities.

 Apart from that, to ensure effectiveness of nature conservation activities and ecological security, at the enterprise systematically are held next activities:

Organizing constant activities about reclamation and planting green trees in enterprise’s facilities, as well as on territories of natural massifs;

 Ecological control and policy of ecological security in enterprise’s facilities;

Usage of modern technologies at all stages of work, including introduction of electronic documentation;

Taking into consideration ecological factor during organization of purchases collaborating with stakeholders and investors;

Documentation of waste created during production and consumption, security of its safe accumulation and utilization in accordance to the requirements of nature-protected regulations;

Implementation of a set of warning measures directed to exception of a possibility of emergency situation and causing damage to the environment at facilities of structural divisions;

Improvement of employees’ qualification that are responsible for ecological safety in structural divisions, active participation in ecological activities and propaganda of ecological principles of economic and social development


4. Ecological approach in corporate culture


4.1 Uzaeronavigation Centre prioritizes formation of corporate culture, giving an opportunity to all employees to demonstrate ecological consciousness. Structural divisions of Uzaeronavigation implement rational consumption resources, especially in paper saving, usage of smart systems of energy saving lightning and organization separated collection of litter to minimize negative impact on environment.

4.2 Set of ecological approaches in "green office" will be developing in the future:


- development of the annual plan of activities in the field of environment security;

- organization of educational activities, development and spreading of information regarding ecological practices, embedded in Uzaeronavigation;

- refusal of usage of plastic tableware inside the office, usage of safe domestic chemical means;

- planting of greenery of administration buildings and adjoined territories;

- searching new ways of interaction with environment.


4.3 Uzaeronavigation Centre implements projects, related with popularization of frugal interaction with natural resources with the usage of advanced technologies for minimization negative impact on environment.


5. Interaction with stakeholders


5.1 Interaction with stakeholders is essential condition implementing This Regulation. Uzaeronavigation Centre is confident that achieving the goals for sustainable development is impossible without partnership.


5.2 The main groups of stakeholders include:


- management and employees;

- suppliers and contractors;

- government bodies;

- regulatory authorities;

- population;

- media.


5.3 Uzaeronavigation Centre has an open dialogue with every stakeholder, define most convenient methods of interaction and communication channels for representatives of stakeholders.


5.4 Uzaeronavigation Centre aims at openness and information transparency, as well as consider the needs of the stakeholders, recognize the importance of monitoring and preparation of reporting implementation, describing various aspects and results of activities in the field of ecology.



6. Obligations and responsibilities in the field of environmental security


6.1 In order to ensure effective environmental protection activities and environmental safety, Uzaeronavigation Centre must implement the processes of this Regulation in its activities, aimed at ensuring high environmental quality in the areas where its structural divisions are located.

6.2. The environmental policy of Uzaeronavigation Centre will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the principles of sustainable development.

6.3. Uzaeronavigation Centre undertakes to organize a set of preventive actions aimed at eliminating the possibility of causing damage to the environment.

6.4. Uzaeronavigation Centre assumes responsibility for the implementation of this policy, undertakes to allocate the resources necessary for this and considers environmental protection to be one of its priority tasks.
