SUE Center “Uzaeronavigation”
- Date of formation – 1991
- Controlled airspace – 479 842 square kms
- Total length of airways – 24 343 kms
- Number of air- corridors with bordering states – 61
- Aeronautical service is provided:
- For transit flights – more than 400 air companies
- In the aerodrome area to ensure take- off/ landing – more than 45 air companies
To satisfy needs of air space users in aeronautical service within the limits of its competence, to ensure safe, efficient and regular air traffic on the airways, on domestic air lines, in the vicinity of the aerodromes of civil aviation, in the areas of performing aviation work within the limits of its responsibility over the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan; and also over the territories which are under control according to the international agreements of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Areas of activities:
- Aeronautical service of aircraft within the limits of responsibility;
- Communication service;
- Service on FPLs processing;
- Service on publishing and submitting aeronautical information documents to users;
- Service on supporting special technical facilities for baggage inspection at the airports of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Other types of services not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Development strategy
Development strategy of SUE Center “Uzaeronavigation” until year 2030 was worked out and is being realized. Its aim is to fulfil main tasks in increasing efficiency, providing high level of flight safety, introducing new technological processes in aeronautical system of the Republic of Uzbekistan; it is also aimed to get a leadership among providers of aeronautical services of the Middle East
region. It is done in consideration of the modern level of the development of civil aviation all over the world.
Purposes and tasks of development:
Purpose 1. Increasing of usage attraction of the air space of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Implementation of Global aeronautical plan including the conception of en bloc implementation of the ATM global system elements;
- Realization of the Plan of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Alignments of existed/ implementation of new ATS routes in cooperation with the aeronautical service providers of bordering states.
- Free route airspace (FRA) implementation.
Purpose 2. Improvement of aeronautical service quality
- Implementation of the ATS advanced methods and observation systems;
- Development of flight safety management system, its popularity;
- Transition to the system of aeronautical information management. Migration to EAD as one of the steps on the way of transferring AIS into AIM;
- Realization of a long- term Plan on modernization of radiotechnical equipment of flight operations support;
- Realization of measures on qualification upgrading of personnel.
Purpose 3. Increasing of economic efficiency
- Consistent monitoring of Key effectiveness factors of the enterprise activity, development of the necessary measures for their improvement.
Expected results:
- Improvement of the quality of provided service;
- Increasing of attraction of the air space of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Enhancing of flight safety through the increasing of navigational accuracy;
- Increasing of the traffic capacity through the alignment of routes;
- Decreasing of toxic emissions in the atmosphere;
- Increasing of transit flow and take- off/ landing operations at the aerodromes of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Getting an additional income for the development of the enterprise.