
As a result of the active interaction of specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise "Uzaeronavigation" Center and the Republican State Enterprise "Kazaeronavigation" on optimizing the elements of the adjacent airspace structures to meet the needs of airlines for the most efficient routes and to reduce the workload of air traffic controllers, new sections of air routes have been introduced.

On July 11, 2024, the official publication and implementation of new sections of the T-916 zonal navigation route took place, and on the same day, the German airline Lufthansa became the first user of the new route.

The introduction of this route will allow airlines to save from 30 to 50 tons of jet fuel per year during daily flights by reducing it by 40 kilometers. At the same time, oxygen consumption will decrease by 50-70 tons, and harmful dioxide emissions into the atmosphere will decrease by 220-250 tons per year.

 According to forecasts, more than 30 airlines plan to operate flights on the new optimized route per day. The State Unitary Enterprise Center "Uzaeronavigation", in cooperation with providers of neighboring countries, will continue to actively work on the introduction of new ATM routes.
